blog flipping

Are you struggling to find a source of extra income?

Sure, there’s overtime, taking on a second job, and other opportunities for additional income, but how about making a full-time income working part-time hours?

The ultimate dream, right?

Today, I have a very interesting interview with Jenn Leach. She is earning thousands per month with blog flipping, and she is sharing exactly how she is doing it.

Jenn stumbled onto this extra income opportunity, and now she’s been doing it for two years. It allows her to work part-time and earn a full-time income while she manages her other business and manages her household as a stay-at-home mom. Read on to learn how you can join this lucrative field.

Now over to Jenn.

How to Make Thousands per Month with Blog Flipping

What is Blog Flipping?

Meet blog flipping! In 2017, I made over $30K in just a few hours per week flipping blogs!

Don’t know what the heck blog flipping is? Well, read on to learn how to get started, the ins and outs, how much you can make, my tips and tricks, and much more!

Blog flipping is where you flip a blog website for a profit. Just like house flipping, you build or buy a blog, then fix it up, and flip it for a profit.

It’s a simple 3-step process:

  • Build it or Buy it
  • Fix it
  • Flip it

Step 1) Build It or Buy It

Build it: This is the route I usually take. It allows me to be super creative, and it’s also the most cost efficient. At an affordable investment, at under $50, startup costs include

  • Domain (usually included with hosting purchase) – FREE
  • Hosting – starts at $2.95/month
  • Theme (optional) – FREE to $$$
  • Plugins (optional) – FREE to $$

Buy it: You can purchase blogs. You can buy on auction sites like Flippa or Empire Flippers. Review the blog stats, ask questions, and make a decision to buy. Then, buy it!

Step 2) Fix It

You fix up your blog website in order to put it in the best condition to sell at the best price possible.

Fixing it up is pretty easy. Here are some examples of things I do to fix up blogs:

  • Add content (write articles, add guides, resource lists, etc.)
  • Design it (add a theme, make it pretty, etc.)
  • Set up social media (create social media accounts for your blog)
  • Monetize it (make it income producing)
  • Grow it (get traffic)

Step 3) Flip It

Flipping it means you will sell your site at a profit. You build a site with a $50 investment and sell it a few months later at $2,000. Now that’s a great return on investment!
Flipping is a really cool business. You’ll love it because

  • It’s easy and fun
  • You’re your own boss
  • You have tons of flexibility
  • It can be part-time or full-time
  • It’s lucrative


How Did I Get Started?

Several years ago, I was working a job that I wasn’t happy with. The company was great, but the job was not. It was very stressful, and the day went on forever.

Why I Hated the 9-to-5 Rat Race?

My position was heavily micromanaged. I felt like I couldn’t be myself. I couldn’t be creative. I would stress out like crazy if I had to ask for any time off, even for important things like doctor appointments.

The last two years I was there, I decided I wanted to quit to work for myself.

I tried a lot of things: selling used electronics, writing for content mills, writing for companies, surveys and focus groups, affiliate marketing, MLM, etc.

Something finally clicked.

I started an online store in the fashion niche. One year later, I was making the same amount as my full-time job and I quit!

Years later, I decided to sell that business, and I started my blogging journey and blog flipping business.

Wanna learn how I do it?

How to Get into Blog Flipping

I follow the exact same process for every single blog I flip. I’ve had a 100% success rate!

Here is my strategy:

  • Pick a niche
  • Get domain and hosting; name the blog
  • Add content; grow it; monetize it
  • Flip it

Step 1) Niche Selection

I pick my blog’s niche: fashion, nutrition, wellness, fitness, career, education, etc.

Step 2) Domain + Hosting

I decide on a blog name — domain name — and get hosting.

Step 3) Add Content

I start adding blog content. I promote the blog like crazy and monetize it.

Step 4.) Sell It

Within one to six months, I sell the blog at a profit! I’ve done this nine times!

How Much Can You Make? A Full-Time Income?

Yes! I’ve made over $30K in 2017. I have made over $100K lifetime earnings.

I work on the blog part-time and earn a full-time income. The amount you can earn is entirely up to you!

I’ve sold websites for $800, and I’ve sold sites for over $80K!

Here are some of my best tips:

  • Pick a lucrative niche
  • Monetize your blog
  • Work on it daily
  • Use social media
  • Have fun!

How to Flip Blogs in 2018

I’m blog flipping in 2018.

I will be flipping four blogs, one for every three months of the year, AND I will be taking students with me for the ride!

In Website Flippers University, you’ll sit alongside me as I teach you how to build, grow, monetize, and flip blogs!

website flippers university

Month 1

I’ll be helping you pick a niche. You’ll be picking your blog’s name and getting your domain and hosting!

In the setup, we will add plugins, make it pretty (add a theme), set up social media accounts, and more.

Month 2

In month 2, the focus will be on content. Our goal is to add eight pieces of content to the blog. More is better. Then comes promotion, and it’s time to make money!

Month 3

SOLD! Yes, in three months you can sell. At younger than three months, you can still sell (I’ve done it in 30 days before), but it can be more challenging. Greater than three months is awesome, and actually, the longer you hold onto your site, the better price you might get.

Keep in mind that waiting to flip does mean you will wait for your pay off. But you will still be earning income monthly in the meantime.

You can sell whenever you’d like, but I will be selling in month 3, and I’ll take you through my process for successful sale!

Month 4

Start over! I’ll be doing a brand new blog every quarter of 2018. A total of four blogs will be created and flipped in 2018. You’ll have the opportunity to join me! Psst…I have already started! Check out my barely 30-day old blog, Millennial Money Mama!

The course is great to learn the ins and outs of growing and monetizing blogs, as well as blog setup, so there is a ton of value.

Exciting Stuff, Right?

I thank Jenn for introducing us to such a great money-making hustle.

She even has an exclusive offer for you! 

You can join the Website Flippers University today with a special discount SIREESHAOFF to grab $20 off the first month’s membership.

Are you interested in learning how to sell blogs online? Comment down below to share your thoughts!


Want to find a profitable side hustle without spending hours online? This FREE course is going to show you how to find a side hustle and make money from it. Join the course and sign up to our FREE newsletter!


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About Sireesha Narumanchi

Hi, I am Sireesha, and thank you for stopping by to get to know me. I am a work-at-home mom, a side hustler, and a firm believer in making "working from home" a success for everyone. I have worked in a remote job for over 11 years and tried many side gigs. I have been featured on many popular websites like Forbes, Business Insider, American Express, QuickBooks, The Muse, Moneyish, Virtual Vocations, Spark Hire, Bustle, Fairygodboss, Side Hustle School, Payoneer, Jobbatical, and Skillcrush.Read more...

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